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Iman Womack Garcia

Advisory Council Member
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About Me

As a native of Houston, Iman Womack Garcia is excited to return to her home city to carve new paths. After spreading her wings to attend Tuskegee University for her Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences and Kennesaw State University for her Master's of Business Administration, she has worked a fulfilling career in Human Resources and Talent Acquisition where being of service and support of others' goals comes naturally as it is an extension of her core.
Recalling childhood memories and now having the honor of being a mother, she understands the importance of uplifting and pouring positive and impactful experiences into our youth.
Her time spent with the youth started at an earlier age and spans from infants to young adults, volunteering to sit with newborns in the Nursery of Houston Methodist Willowbrook, speaking at elementary school career days across metro Atlanta, and co-coaching a girl's youth recreational softball team in Effingham County, GA.  She worked as an instructor for More Than Conquerors, Inc. equipping Atlanta Public High School students with the skills necessary to successfully navigate life's chapters, and a STEM Bridge Counselor guiding incoming freshmen into their first year of college at Tuskegee University.
With Stephen Covey's reminder to "Begin with the End in Mind", Iman keeps God first and believes each of us has a gift and purpose to impact others within our lifetime. Referencing daily, Proverbs 11:25, "A generous person will be enriched, and the one who gives a drink of water will receive water", she values each encounter as a stepping stone along her journey.
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