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Spark 5 is an adaptive story time
based on the five practices of early
literacy. Each session features
singing, playing, talking, reading,
and writing. The events are geared
toward kids up to 10 years old.
However, all ages are welcome. Spark 5 is designed for children with a variety of abilities. We believe all children should have access to educational programs. 

Every month, we celebrate a different holiday or observance. The books, activities, and crafts are all inspired by the occasion. At the end, each child takes home a book to build their at home library.

Spark 5

Upcoming Events

Program Goals

Introduce families to the five practices of early literacy, writing, playing, talking, singing, and reading.
Supply books to families in order to build their personal libraries.
Increase access to educational programs by partnering with various residential community resources.

Support Spark 5

Donate children's books, quiet corner items, and/or learning aids? We would love to have them.
Help us cover the cost of craft supplies and goodies with a monetary donation. Donate once or reoccuring.
Interested in volunteering? Fill out the application to start the background screening.
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